Sangrita (“little blood”) to accompany your finest tequila
If you fancy yourself a tequila connoisseur, you may already know about Sangrita (not Sangria). In Spanish, Sangrita means "little blood" and is the preferred companion for high-end sipping tequila (traditionally tequila blanco). Not the tequila you take as a shot followed by salt and lime, but the good stuff that you linger over. Sangrita enhances a fine tequila while cleansing and brightening the palate in between sips. Neither is done as a shot, but rather as alternating sips. It is sweet, spicy and savory all at the same time and contains no alcohol. Recipes vary (with some original recipes omitting the tomato) but most contain a tomato base, orange and lime juice, and spices. Serve in a shot or pony glass.
Here are three recipes. One is more "from scratch", another that is a bit quicker and the last a more traditional and sans tomato version:
Sangrita de Tomate
4 small tomatoes (1lb), peeled and seeded
1/2 cup orange juice
3 Tablespoons chopped onion
1 Serrano chile, seeded
1 Tablespoon lime juice
2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
Combine ingredients in a blender and puree.
Quick and easy Sangrita
5oz Tomato juice (not V8)
5oz Orange juice
1oz Lime juice
2 dashes tabasco
Pinch of salt
Mix and strain into a pony glass or pitcher for later serving
Traditional Mexican Sangrita
4oz Grapefruit juice
2oz Lime juice
1oz Orange juice
5 dashes hot sauce
Pepper and salt to taste